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Eating Healthier Even When You’re Rushing Around

May 3, 2018
Eating Healthier Even When You’re Rushing Around
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With the rapid pace of our modern lives, it’s easy to let what we eat, and drink, fall to the bottom of the priority list. Soon enough, we see our diet become lower quality and eventually our body is going to be the evidence of this behaviour a few months down the line.


Eating Healthier Even When You’re Rushing Around


Of course, it doesn’t have to be this way, but the faster we rush between where we were to where we must get to next, the more vigilant we must be to avoid falling into this trap. It’s so easy to fall.

Let’s look at some ways to help maintain a healthier diet.

Choose Restaurants that Prepare Healthier Meals

There’s a world of difference between walking into a burger joint and picking out their juiciest, fattiest burger and thick-sliced fries vs a whole-wheat baguette with thin sliced pastrami and pickles with a side salad to go with it. Similarly, there are sugary beverages that taste great but will deliver a sugar spike vs a glass of ice water with a slice of lemon.

We all make choices about what we eat and drink. Even when moving around quickly between appointments, we can make better choices by looking up suitable restaurants nearby that prepare healthier dishes. It’s also possible to make a request for a healthier cooking method or skipping the mayo in the sandwich this time. It’s all a matter of being more conscious about what we eat and drink to fuel our bodies every day.

Healthy Drinks

Consuming a healthy drink instead of something carbonated and loaded with sugar supports your body’s need for hydration. A protein powder drink is a good meal replacement on-the-go when you don’t have time to stop to prepare a healthy dish. There are different flavours to suit your personal taste and you can take a flask to work with you too.

The Keto OS by Pruvit is another way to go. It’s a ketone beverage that fits in with a low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet. It provides an energy boost, helps the body process protein more efficiently, clears the mind, reduces hunger pangs, and helps with weight loss too.

Having a Backup Plan (or Two)

Whether it’s the restaurant you planned to grab lunch at or the time you planned to set aside to prepare a packed lunch, have a plan A and a backup plan B too. You never know when something will happen to derail your plans. When you have a second restaurant in the area that’s a good backup choice, you’re unlikely to slip back to unhealthy eating habits. Similarly, don’t rely on a place to buy healthy snacks and hope they’re in stock; bring something non-perishable like a bagged portion of nuts that are good in a pinch.

Another option is to stock up on pre-prepared – or easy to prepare – choices for the moments when you’re short of time or motivation. Brands like Perfect Keto offer options like ready meals, cereals, pancake mixes and meal replacements – learn more from this review.

Don’t forget about supplements as well, if you’re worried that you’re missing out on particular vital nutrients. Small batch supplement manufacturing ensures that you’ll find plenty of top-quality supplements that will meet your needs.

Make a list of the points where you’re most vulnerable as a trigger to return to unhealthy eating and drinking. Create a plan for what you’ll do under those circumstances. This way, you’re covered.

The busier our lives become, the more necessary it is to plan out eating and drinking habits. It’s all too easy to let our diet suffer because of a lack of time or not having ready access to a kitchen at all times of the day. We mustn’t let that happen if we’re to keep in good health long-term.


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