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Making the most of your “casino table” experience

Jun 12, 2017
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Bristol’s casinos, such as the Rainbow Casino down at the Harbourside, the Grosvenor Casino in town and the Genting Casino just a short walk from Temple Meads, all deliver a decidedly different dining experience.

The aim of the game is to attract players to the dining tables with great-tasting, quality food, in the hopes that they’ll spend the rest of their money on tables of a different kind. This means that there are some real bargains to be had when it comes to dining out “Ocean’s Eleven” style.



For example, the Genting will give you a burger and a pint of Stella for just £5, the Rainbow has a fabulous steak night every Tuesday from 7pm till midnight, with a choice of three steaks (with all the trimmings) for just £10, while the Grosvenor gives you the chance to win back some of your two-course Sunday lunch bill with a free £10 chip.

Dining at a casino is always a great time because you can be sure that they are out to impress you. Unlike a high street chain with a steady churn of customers, casinos are keen on building a regular and loyal client base. As such, they will go the extra mile to encourage you to come back. In addition to the special offers, you’ll also find high-quality à la carte menus at the Rainbow, the Grosvenor and Bangkok Joe’s at the Genting, each offering top-quality food at remarkably affordable prices.



Now, we all know our table manners when it comes to dining out, but it is also just as important to know your table manners when it comes to visiting a casino generally. Proper etiquette is not only important so that you can avoid looking like a complete beginner, but it could also prevent you from being asked to leave for inadvertently breaking the rules.

It all begins with dress code. It might be fine to play online casino games in your PJs, but you need to put in effort if you are going to visit a real casino. You don’t have to look like James Bond in a full tuxedo and black tie, but most casinos will have a dress code of smart casual attire or jacket and tie.

Once inside, you should turn your phone off. This can distract other players and draw unnecessary attention. As with any good meal or evening out, it is best to enjoy the moment as it happens, rather than worry about sharing it all on social media.

If you don’t understand the game and aren’t familiar with the rules, don’t just jump in and try to play. You can’t ask the dealers or croupiers for advice in the middle of a game, and other players will not enjoy playing alongside an amateur. Most casinos will have practice tables and lessons where you can dabble with the games using practice chips before you take on the real thing.



When you are ready and have a good grip on the rules and strategies, it’s time to choose your table. Don’t sit down just to watch, as you will be taking a place from someone who wants to play. And, don’t try to elbow your way to the front to see the roulette ball bouncing or the dice roll. It is fun to see these things, but it isn’t essential, and there will be plenty of opportunities to watch as the night wears on.

Finally, while it’s always nice to win, if you don’t come out ahead, it’s important to take it on the chin. Don’t blame the dealer or the other players at the table. You’ll only spoil their fun, and it’s not their fault. Just walk away and hope for better results next time. It’s also important not to show your losing hand, even if you feel like slamming it down in frustration, as this can negatively affect everyone else’s game.

At the end of the day, everyone is a winner, because even if you lose at the gaming tables, the top-quality food and great bargains found at the casino dining tables will still make your visit well worthwhile.


Image credits: 

Burger: By Hongreddotbrewhouse (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Casino images: From Flickr


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