Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Top 5 Creative Food Designs

Jun 8, 2015
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One of our biggest everyday necessities is food – it’s the most substantial means of keeping us going throughout the day. That being said, it isn’t always the most fun of things to prepare, especially when we really lack artistic flare in the kitchen. However, we don’t have to be disheartened anymore because we’ve found some really good ideas and useful tips to help make even ugly food appealing (that means your kids, or even yourself, could end up enjoying those vegetables you hate so much).

Pacman Cakes
We always assume that a lot of effort has to go into making attractive food, but that isn’t always the case – take these Pacman cupcakes for example. They’re just decorated with a bit of icing, yet they look ten times tastier than what they did plain.


Pacman cakes


Halloween Treats
Making food spooky can be tough, with many of us resorting to peeled grapes that eyeball feel, which let’s face it, isn’t exactly appealing to us. Therefore, when the scariest day of the year rolls in, why not get the kids involved with some scary fruit – bananas can be made to look like ghosts if peeled, cut in half and chocolate buttons used for eyes and mouth. And oranges can become pumpkins if you peel them and stick a bit of celery in the top for the stem.


Halloween Food


Casino Potato Chip
Burgers are normally so tasty, but do you ever feel they can be improved a little further? No? All you need is two large potatoes, one sweet, one white, some salt and pepper, and a dash of oil. It looks good, tastes great and shows you appreciate the odd flutter here and there.

These easy-to-make recipes will hopefully inspire you to be a bit more creative in the kitchen, and who knows, even discover a new innovative recipe!


Casino Potato Chip


Chicken or the Egg?
Sometimes, creativity doesn’t lead to consumption, which is what some food artists have done with their creations. This egg based piece uses all elements of the protein fuelled food to create a simple yet beautiful piece of art that depicts a mother hen and a chick enjoying the sunshine. We might only want to eat the egg and not the shell, but it’s still fun and different nonetheless.


Chicken Or Egg


Crab Apples
Fruit can be so dull, and who wouldn’t take a chocolate bar over an apple! But we have a great creative idea that turns your boring apple into an underwater sea creature, meaning you can play with and eat your food, if you so wish (ignore mum’s golden rule of not playing with food). Cut the apple into two halves, one half will be the main body and head, while the other should be cut into semi circles to make legs, then two semi circles need to be shaped to look like pincers.


Crab Apples


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