The Better Food Company, Bristol’s organic and fair-trade stores and café in St Werburghs and Clifton, have been presented with a Gold Fairtrade Award.
The Awards were presented by entrepreneur and chef, Levi Roots, at a ceremony at the Colston Hall on Friday 8th March, attended by 160 business leaders in the region. Levi has recently visited Fairtrade cocoa farmers in Ghana and told the audience how inspired he was by the difference Fairtrade makes to communities.
The ceremony was opened by the Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson.
‘The focus of our shops and café is on organically produced goods’, says Phil Haughton, Better Food Company’s MD, ‘but beyond a concern for sustainability and the environment is a very connected belief in the well-being of people’.
Other category winners included Better Food Company suppliers, the co-operative Essential Trading.
Fairtrade co-ordinator, Jenny Foster said: ‘The aim of the Awards is to increase sales of, and support for, Fairtrade amongst businesses in the region, by promoting those businesses that support Fairtrade and encouraging others to do more. Increasing sales of Fairtrade products enables more small producers in the developing world to make a sustainable living’.