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Vote now in the Bristol 2013 Good Food Awards!

Feb 11, 2013 #Bristol Good Food Awards
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Do you have a chosen restaurant, café or deli in Bristol that you feel deserves recognition for its excellence? Is there a local food or drink producer who makes you proud? If so, here is your chance to let everyone know.

Guide2Bristol is launching the Bristol Good Food Awards 2013 and inviting all Bristolians to vote for their favourite restaurant to win an award in a number of different categories, such as Best Restaurant, Best Wine List and even Best Breakfast. Voters are also encouraged to nominate their favourite local food producers from across Bristol and surrounding areas in the Local Producers awards, sponsored by Almondsbury Garden Centre. The awards are designed to showcase Bristol’s finest, proving the city’s worth as a national foodie treasure. If you would like to place your vote please go to the Bristol Good Food Awards website. (voting closes on the 7th April). You’ll also be entered into a draw to win a meal for two in Bristol.

To kick off the judging process, the public will vote first and then the five businesses in each category that have polled the most will be independently assessed by a panel of judges, made up of some of the most renowned people in the industry. The hopeful nominees will attend the exclusive awards dinner at the Bristol Marriot Hotel City Centre on the 30th June. This is sure to be a fantastic and enjoyable evening with catering by local food experts and a wine and sparkling reception supplied by Enotria.

Rudy Millard comments, “With well over 12,000 public votes cast in 2012, the awards really succeeded in discovering the very best in Bristol’s food scene. Not only did it recognize those restaurants, cafes and delis renowned for their excellence, but it also exposed less familiar, but equally worthy establishments and some outstanding local producers.”

Bristol Good Food Awards Head Judge, Angela Mount commented: “The quality of entries in 2012 were simply outstanding. We are all excited about the competition this year and there is a real buzz going on around the city both amongst the voters and competitors.”

Anthony Bowles adds, “We hope the 2013 Good Food Awards will discover some new talent and further Bristol’s presence in the UK as a top foodie destination. The judging panel is full of respected names within the trade, such as Xanthe Clay (Telegraph), Martin Blunos (Great Food Live, Food Uncut, Saturday Kitchen), Richard Bertinet (The Bertinet Kitchen), Dhruv Baker (Masterchef 2010 Winner), Nick Gregory (Flavour), Thane Prince (Good Food Channel), Barbora Stiess (Devilled Egg Kitchen Academy) and Emily Knight (Bristol Bites). Their expertise combined with local voting will ensure the competition is fierce, but equally exciting”.

He continued, “We’ve also brought in local designers Workbrands as our creative partners on the event this year, they are giving the awards a fresh new look that we are really excited about.”

If you would like to sponsor the event or an award please contact Rudy Millard at Guide2Bristol on 0117 9083092.

To vote online, simply follow this link.

For more information about the awards, follow @bristolgoodfood on Twitter.


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