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Chomp pop up at 40 Alfred Place: February 1st and 2nd

Jan 20, 2013 #40 Alfred Place #Chomp
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Burgers are BIG news in Bristol at the moment. Guerrilla Burger, The Burger Joint, Warren’s Gourmet Burger Kitchen and more are all proving popular…and now here’s another option to add to the list!

Meet Chomp: a brand new Bristol-based hamburger and steak business,  who are whetting our appetites with a pop up event on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd February.

40 Alfred Place in Kingsdown will play host to a full dinner service on the Friday night (6pm-11.30pm), followed by lunch on the Saturday (11am-3pm) and dinner on the Saturday night (6pm-11.30pm). And what’s more, the Chomp boys will be teaming up with brand new Bristol brewery Wiper & True: beef and beer, what more could you want?

The menu looks fantastic: choose from a selection of steaks or burgers, with meals starting at the £10 mark. I like the look of the “Black & Blue” – a 1/3 pound lean beef burger with Stilton mayo, lettuce, tomato, bacon, more Stilton, mushrooms, red onion and ketchup. You can see the full menu here.

So what’s Chomp’s story? Says Jake, their Chief of Beef:

“At the start of 2012 I set off on a journey to find the tastiest burgers and steaks from around the world. This journey took me to places diverse and far apart on 4 different continents. After travelling over 75,000ks I’d eaten burgers in Delhi, Bangkok & Queenstown and steak in Hong Kong, Las Vegas and Buenos Aires, and many many places large and small in between. I ate some terrible ones and I ate some truly delicious ones. The more I ate, of both kinds, the clearer the Chomp concept became in my mind. In June I returned to the UK and moved to Bristol in order to start turning Chomp from an idea into reality.”

Starting off with pop ups at 40 Alfred Place, the team are currently fitting out a classic Citroen H-Van so they can take their brand mobile.

You can stay up-to-date with Chomp’s plans via their Facebook page. To book for the upcoming event at 40 Alfred Place, call Jake on 07771 987881 or contact

Find Chomp on the Bristol Bites Directory…


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