Bristol Cider Shop has announced the dates for its ever-popular cider-making days. They will take place on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th October in Blakeney in Gloucestershire. The days will be run by award-winning cider-maker James McCrindle, who won Best in Show at the Big Apple Cider Trials this year. James won the award for his bottle-fermented Loiterpin Perry, which is made using the traditional Champagne method, to produce a delicate, naturally-sparkling perry.
In view of James’ award, the shop has also decided to offer perry-making days this year. Pears ripen earlier than apples so the perry-making days will take place 2 weeks earlier on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th September.
Peter Snowman, owner of Bristol Cider Shop, said “We’re really excited about the perry-making days. There are quite a lot of people making decent cider these days but there are still very few making traditional perry. We couldn’t wait to get some Loiterpin into the shop, but James only made a relatively small batch so it’s running out fast!”
Tickets for the cider and perry making days cost £75 and include transport from Bristol, lunch, cider/perry tasting, and a gallon of juice to ferment at home. Places are limited so advance booking is essential. Tickets are available from Bristol Cider Shop, 7 Christmas Steps, Bristol BS1 5BS, via phone on 0117 382 1679, or you can book via their website at www.bristolcidershop.co.uk.
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