Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Red-dy, steady, dough for Bristol’s fastest pizza delivery!

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One of the world’s fastest pizza chefs is set to start spinning the dough for Bristol’s brightest new pizza delivery firm.

Piotr Wroblowski, a 28-year-old originally from Poland who has spent the last six years in Bristol, became a UK record holder two years ago at a competition in Liverpool.

He was part of a three-man team which served up seven pizzas in an incredible 1min 21secs – with Pioter wowing the crowd with his spectacular dough-spinning, a technique he learned in just a week.

Having turned his back on the unimaginative high street pizza chains, he is now the head chef behind the new Red Pizza Company, which opens today (Monday, August 6) in Hotwells.

Open for deliveries until 4am every night, Red Pizza HQ on Hotwell Road now offers pizza delivery throughout Bristol city centre, it can also take delivery orders for beer, wine or cider.

“Every time a pizza is made here, I’ll be spinning the dough, so it’s made properly,” he said. “It’s the best way to make a pizza, and the customers love it. We’ve already had kids coming in to watch me!”

Passion, pace and, above all, a sense of humour are all part of the Red Pizza ethos, with owner Oliver South aiming to thoroughly shake up what he calls the tired and over-priced service Bristolians get from the traditional pizza firms.

The Bristol Bad Boy pizza, for example, will be a pizza with enough meat and spice to make even the hardest-nosed chilli-freaks wince with pain. Meanwhile, the Hot Hippy aims to deliver the biggest green kick in the city, with a fiery mixture of jalapenos, green finger chillies and spicey tomato sauce.

The dough, meanwhile, has no artificial ingredients, no GM products and has less than 1% salt.

Mr South also aims to go beyond the usual delivery scooters and buy a Red Pizza boat to deliver pizza along the harbourside, as well as organise a series of high-profile stunts around the city in the months to come.

“We want to be different from the usual crowd. The Red Pizza Company aims to bring Bristol fantastic new pizzas and have some fun at the same time,” says Oliver.

“We’re no restaurant for example, which usually involves customers spending large sums of money, wearing silly clothes and being annoyed with waiting staff.

“Let’s keep things simple. You get hungry, you want food, so you call us. As soon as you’re off the phone we’ll be on our way with a Bristol Bad Boy or Hot Hippy, beer, wine, or treats on a kick-ass Red Pizza scooter! What more does a hungry and thirsty Bristolian want?”

The Red Pizza Company is kicking off with a special social media-based offer, which allows new fans on Facebook and Twitter to get a third off the usual price of an extra large Bristol Bad Boy or Hot Hippy pizza with a free side plus a bottle of wine or four-pack of Red Stripe beer (£16.99 – a saving of £7.98)

To take advantage of this offer, like the Red Pizza Company Facebook page or follow them on Twitter to get your special promo code. The offer ends at the end of August, so get it while it’s red-hot!


Please note: Bristol Bites are currently working on behalf of The Red Pizza Company.


Find The Red Pizza Company on the Bristol Bites Directory…

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