Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

The Jamie Oliver Foundation launches its first ever Food Revolution Day

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The Jamie Oliver Foundation is launching its first-ever Food Revolution Day on Saturday, May 19th: a global day of action to inspire, educate, and empower people everywhere to stand up for real food. Thousands of people worldwide will participate in events to raise awareness on preventing diet-related diseases, and to arm people with the knowledge and tools to make healthier food choices.

Participants can visit to find and create local food events where they can share skills and knowledge about food with their community through cooking classes, gardening tutorials, sessions about starting a food blog and tours of farmers markets. At the site, people can also sign up to host a dinner party and even request to bring food education to their school or workplace. Already, more than 800 groups from 45 countries have signed up to take action.

The majority of the world’s population is more likely to die from obesity than from hunger. In fact, in America, more people die from diet-related diseases every year than drugs, alcohol and war combined. Food Revolution Day aims to empower people to make healthier food choices that lead to healthier lives. One hundred percent of Food Revolution Day net funds raised will go to support food education projects for both children and adults through the Jamie Oliver Foundation in the U.S., UK and Australia.

Those creating Food Revolution Day events have listed them on the website – click here for a searchable map of events. It would be great if Bristol could get involved too – as a city that loves its food, it would be wrong for us not to host some events! The website will also give you ideas for events that you could host: whether you’re a food business, a community group or an individual that wants to make a difference. If you do host an event, make sure you add it to the map to highlight Bristol’s commitment to food education!

To keep track of what’s planned for Bristol on May 19th, keep an eye on the website, and head over to follow @FoodRevBristol on Twitter!


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