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Bristol University student chosen as Westin Gourmet taste tester

Nov 22, 2011 #Westin Gourmet
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A student from Bristol University has been chosen as one of the UK’s first gourmet taste testers.

Charlotte Robinson, a management student at Bristol University, has been selected by online gourmet food retailer Westin Gourmet as one of 12 taste testers for their gourmet goods.

Charlotte was selected as one of more than 18,000 people who entered the competition, which will see her receiving  a free hamper of gourmet goods for three months which she will then have to taste test for the company. If the food doesn’t make the grade, then it will be ditched by the online food retailer. Among the foods included will be extra mature ribeye steak, corn fed chicken, Danish pork loin steak and Hereford ribeye roasting joint

Charlotte is looking forward to feeding her student flatmates and is planning to cook them healthy food with lots of colour. Over the last five years she’s lost six stone in weight thanks to discovering new healthy food and banning junk from the menu.

She was chosen as a taster after being voted for by friends, family and Westin Gourmet customers and is delighted to have won the coveted role.

Charlotte said: “I’m thrilled to be picked as a taster. Free food is always good, even better when you’re at University, and it will give me the chance to try cuts of meat that are normally out of my price range.

“Once a month I cook for the whole flat, so I shall be serving up a gourmet feast with some of the meats I’m being sent to review.

“My feedback will be completely honest – I’ll certainly say if I don’t like something and I’m sure through this experience I’ll learn a lot more about cooking and in particular cooking top quality cuts of meat.”

A spokesman for the site said: “The response from people wanting to taste test our food was amazing. We’re confident the 12 chosen will do a great job and will hopefully inspire other amateur chefs to try out some of their suggestions and cook with our gourmet foods.

“We will be true to our work and those foods which get a low score from our testers will be taken out of our range. It’s really important that our customers are always delighted with the foods we provide so this is a great way for us to lose anything that doesn’t meet their very exacting standards.”

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