Did you know that the world’s first breakfast cereal in 1863 consisted of dense bran nuggets that had to be soaked overnight in order that they were actually chewable?
The week of the 24th – 30th January is the eleventh Farmhouse Breakfast Week – a week designed to celebrate the benefits of breakfast. All over the country, events have been organised by schools, farmers, retailers and many other types of organisation to highlight the importance of the first meal of the day, and St Nicholas Market has decided to get in on the act.
On Wednesday 27th, they’ll have a range of fresh, breakfast-related produce on offer, including sausages, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, apple juice, butter, honey, oysters, fresh fish, bubble and squeak ingredients, marmalades, honey and jams. According to the Food Magazine website, there will also be cookery demonstrations from the market’s ‘Source’ Food Hall and Cafe between 9.30 and 11.30am.
The website has further suggestions of how you can get involved, and details of organised Breakfast Week events around the country…take a look to find out how you can take part!